Daisy clothing, daisy embroidered shoes, daisy rugs, daisy filters, I think you get the point that it’s a daisy craze going on in the world right now, and honestly, I’m down for it! This year, I’m kickstarting my blog with daisy content because, ummm I just think its only right, lol.
Today I will be collaborating with Clover USA to teach you how to create an ah-mazingly, cute daisy keychain that’s just waiting to chill out on your keys. Okay! Let’s get our supplies together and get to felting.
Here’s what you’ll need to create this keychain:
- Clover Needle Felting Tool Art No.8900
- Clover Pen Style Needle Felting Tool Art No.8901
- Clover Needle Felting Mat (S) Art No. 8910
- Clover Needle Felting Claw and Mat Cleaner Art No. 8919
- Clover Natural Wool Roving (Off White) Art No.7920
- Clover Natural Wool Roving (Gold) Art No.7929
- Foam Pad
- Daisy Cookie Cutter
- Silicone Finger Guards
- Keychain
- Choupee Eye Pins
- Mini Hot Glue Gun
- Awl
Step 1. Prep the wool using the pulling method.
Take a long piece of wool from the bundle, then begin pulling the wool lightly from one side. You won’t need much for this project, but pulling out a few extra clumps is good. The more, the better. You can always store the extra wool for later. Grab an additional piece of gold or green wool for the center of the daisy.

Step 2. Let’s create the daisy shape!
If you’ve previously used your felting mat, be sure to clean it with Clover’s mat cleaner.
Alright, start by placing the daisy cookie cutter on top of the felting mat or foam pad, then add the white wool. I used four to five clumps of wool to make this daisy, but you can use more or less depending on the size of your cookie cutter.
Use the claw tool to hold down the wool, then start poking into the center of the wool with the needle felting tool.
Follow up with the pen-style tool to help smooth out the corners. Be very careful when needle felting this area. Wear silicone guards to protect your fingers and some safety glasses
❗️Extra Info: Clover’s claw tool allows you to stabilize the wool, but not put your fingers at risk. It’s especially helpful when creating smaller projects.

Step 3. Flip the daisy.
Loosen the cookie cutter from the wool, flip it, reattach it, and continue needle felting on the other side. The felting mat will give the daisy a fuzzy appearance, whereas the foam pad has a more traditional felt look. I switched to the foam pad to get a mixture of both styles.

Step 4. Define the petals.
Switch to a foam pad, then take the pen-style felting tool and focus on the petals. We want to make them more visible to get that cute daisy shape.
😬 Safety Tip: Please go slow! It’s very easy to hurt yourself or break a needle if you move too quickly. Once again, have some glasses on hand for safety.

Step 5. Adhere the dome circle to the center of the daisy.
Now that we have completed the daisy let’s set it aside and grab a small piece of gold wool for the center.
Use the claw to hold the wool onto the foam pad, then begin piercing the needle into the wool while turning it until you see a circle form. This process may take a while, so be patient.
Work on the sides and front, flip the wool back over, and concentrate on the center until you see a dome shape develop.
Once you have your dome circle, apply hot glue to the edge, then adhere it to the daisy. Tada! We have a felted daisy!

Step 6. Attach the keychain.
Find the thickest part of your daisy, then push the awl into the top center of the petal.
Add a small amount of hot glue to the eye pin, then place it into the top hole.
Finish the keychain by adding a jump ring, chain, and split ring.

That’s it! Now you have to be honest; this daisy is super cute, right!?

Sidenote: If you’re a visual learning, I have a YouTube video that you can watch!

Thank you to Clover USA for the partnership! It’s always fun to create projects using your innovative products.
As for you, the reader, I hope you are having a great start to your January, and I can’t wait to see your needle-felted daisies on the World Wide Web!
Well, until next time, keep crafting and making things with zeal!
Looking for another felted project? Check out my Wool Butterfly Wall Art over on Clover’s Blog!
This post is sponsored by Clover USA. All opinions, ideas and images are my own.
This blog does contain amazon affiliate links for some of the supplies. If you click it, I may gain some extra funds for some Chai tea from Starbucks! Thanks in advance 🥰
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