Hey Folks! January is almost out the door; most of it felt like a rollercoaster ride for us in the United States. Nonetheless, we made it to 2025!
💬 Interaction Moment 💬
Take a moment and share something that you are looking forward to in February. It could be a birthday, reuniting with a friend, or using that well-earned PTO for a weekend of rest and relaxation. Share your plans in the comments below so we all can engage with you.
👇🏾Alright, here’s my monthly recap!👇🏾
Friendships need to be cultivated.
No matter what age you are, friendships need to be watered. As I’ve been reuniting with friends and family, I realize that I need to bring the watering pot with me to have healthy relationships. That means leaving a silly voicemail if a friend doesn’t respond or inviting a new friend out to enjoy a theatre show, even if it’s a bit chilly outside.
I want to encourage you to check your Rolodex or cellphone and see who you can invite out for a cup of tea this week. I imagine that person would love to catch up with you, even if it’s just to share a gentle hug.
Youtube is not too bad if I’m consistent.
As many of you know, I’m slowly returning to creating YouTube videos. There’s so much to share, but only so many hours in a day to edit footage.
📺 Here’s my channel if you want to see my latest videos.📺
Hobbies make life much better.
Have you picked up any new hobbies lately? If so, let me know how it’s going in the comments.
As for me, I’ve been looking at my creative hobbies freeze in the cold garage. Yes, most of our things still aren’t unpacked, so not much crafting happened for me in January. February is on the horizon, so my crafty hope is still alive.
✨ Night time reading is The bomb ✨

Our 4-year-old son loves reading after our family prayer sessions. I found that he loves this rechargeable reading light. I like that it has a clip and flexible neck that I can attach to different things. Once I snap it onto Eli’s favorite pillow, he is off into reading land. If you want to encourage nighttime reading to your grandkid or loved one, look into this light.
💖 Dani’s Five Favorite things. 💖
1. I found my favorite tripod!

I use this tripod to keep my phone by the bed. It’s also great for watching tv or recording videos.
2. Embraced my love for funky hats and purses.

👜 Funky Purses 🔗
If you’ve seen me on social media, you know I’m in the fluffy hats and funky purse club.😂

🫖 Teapot🔗
December’s month’s recap: I shared a tad bit about what happened to our home 30 minutes before 2025. 🔗Here’s the story. That same teapot got drenched in water, and I thought all was lost, but my sista Jimeka checked it, and all the electrical systems held up. I had to place it on my favorites list again because I can’t believe it still works, lol.
4. Cutting activities can be a parent’s bestie.
📚Eli’s Homeschooling Books 🔗

Homeschooling kids can be difficult, but I noticed that our son really loves cutting actvities. Here are some books that he has thoroughly enjoyed lately.
5. Combination Packs of Miyuki Bead Rock!
🟢 Beading Supplies 🔗

I love browsing through the color combination packs online. You may like this list if you’re looking for Miyuki colors for your next beading project. I’ll continue to update it when I find cool colors.
Well, that’s it for this January 2025 monthly recap!
👇🏾Don’t forget to share what you’re looking forward to in February.👇🏾
Until next time, whatever you do, make it with zeal.
-Danielle 💖
DISCLAIMER: This blog does contain amazon affiliate links. If you click it, I may gain some extra funds for some Chai tea from Starbucks! Thanks in advance 🥰
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