Do you have issues with loud door noises waking your baby up? Well, I created this quick DIY for my sewing lovers and sewing newbies. I call it the baby door quieter and I think it’s the coolest thing. Baby Elias sleeps with us in his bassinet, but during his nap time we try to creep out without waking him. This door quieter has been a mini lifesaver.
Are you wondering how does fabric stop door lock noise? Here’s how it works. The fabric creates a barrier over the lock, which in turn causes the door noise to take a chill pill. 😂
Guess who wins? You do! Your baby gets to continue sleeping soundly, while you try to get some late-night cleaning in (or maybe that’s just me lol). Ok! So are you ready for the tutorial? Cool, but first you need to make sure you download the pattern pdf to follow along with me. Alright, here’s the supply list.
- The Baby Door Quieter Pattern Sheet.
- Light-weight to heavy-weight cotton fabric.
- Scissors
- Needle & Thread or Sewing Machine
- Pins or Sewing Clips
- Washable Chalk Marker (For Fabric)
- 1-inch Ribbon
- Cutting Mat (Only if your using a rotary cutter)
Now that you have the supplies list, it’s onto the tutorial we go!
Follow the steps along with me using the pdf and video!
I hope this was a helpful DIY. If you decide to make this be sure to tag me on Instagram @sprinklesofzeal so I can repost you! Oh and feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what you’d like to see me create next.
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